Monday, January 14, 2008

Foreign Correspondent Bill Glauber

BILL GLAUBER, staff Writer for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel will be joining us next week, Jan. 22th ... Bill has covered four wars and eight Olympics and reported stories in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. He spent the first half of his career as a sports reporter before switching to news.

He was the London correspondent for The Baltimore Sun from 1995 to 2002, concentrating on Northern Ireland’s peace process, British politics, and the crisis of the Balkans. He reported on the initial U.S. air strikes against Afghanistan as an embedded reporter with the U.S. military. He also reported widely on European cultural and social issues.

He joined The Chicago Tribune in 2002 and covered local, national, and international news -- including the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq -- and wrote editorials. In 2006, he joined the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where he covers aging and demographics.

Please join me in welcoming Bill Glauber to our class.

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